Dole ispod nalaze se neki primeri sugestija kako
nesto da promenite na jednostavan nacin. Molim Vas ukoliko imate bilo kakve savete,
predloge, zelje, javite nam! |
Below are few examples of how to change something in
a simple way. Please, if you have any suggestions, advises and proposals, let us know! |
Datum: 09/Juli/99 Mr Zoran Smith,
23 Hope St,
Brisbane, 4000.
tel: (07) 12345678
Predsedniku Upravnog Odbora,
Serbian Ortodox Church,
"Saint Nicolas",
243-247 Vulture Street,
South Brisbane, QLD, 4101, AUSTRALIA
tel: (07) 3844 3092
Postovani Predsednice,
Pisem Vam u vezi problema nedostatka rekvizita i opreme za decu u vasoj opstini.
Iako uzivam posecujuci vasu dobro organziovanu opstinu, vrlo cesto imam problema sa
svoja dva deteta(3 i 4 godina) na imanju jer nemaju cime da se zabave.
U tom smislu, ja bih Vas zamolio da postavite dodatne rekvizite za malu decu, kao sto
su ljuljaske, klackalice, tobogane i slicno, i sto je najvaznije ogradite tako da deca ne
mogu da izadju bez pomoc roditelja.
Kao dobar primer, mogao bi da bude bilo koji restoran Mek Donaldsa sa pomenutim
Postavljanjem ovih rekvizita Vi bi ste povecali uzivanje dece i roditelja, a samim tim
i ucestanost posete.
Potpuno mi je jasno da moji zahtevi zahtevaju dosta ulaganja, ali mislim da sa malo
planiranja i organizovanje neke dobrotvorne akcije ovaj problem moze lako da se resi.
Srdacan pozdrav,
Zoran Smith.
Date: 09/Juli/99 Mr
Zoran Smith,
23 Hope St,
Brisbane, 4000.
tel: (07) 12345678
The Management Board President,
Serbian Ortodox Church,
"Saint Nicolas",
243-247 Vulture Street,
South Brisbane, QLD, 4101, AUSTRALIA
tel: (07) 3844 3092
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to you with respect to lack of children requisites and playing equipment
at your property.
Although I am enjoying at your well organized property, very often I have
problems with my two children(3 and 4 years old), because they don't have any playing
equipment to play with.
In relation to that, I would kindly ask you to fit additional playing equipment,
such as swings, sea-saw, slides etc., and what is the most important to put a fence
around, so the children cannot get out without parent's help.
As a good example, it could be any McDonalds restaurant with the mentioned playing
By adding the mentioned equipment, you would increase the children's' and parents'
enjoyment and therefore frequency of people visits.
I understand that my requests require a considerable investment, but I believe that
with a minor planning and some charity organization, this problem could be overcomed
Yours sincerely,
Zoran Smith |
Datum: 09/Dec/99 Mr John Petrovic,
17 King Rd,
Red Hill, 4000.
tel: (07) 82637463
Predsedniku Upravnog Odbora,
Serbian Ortodox Church,
"Saint Nicolas",
243-247 Vulture Street,
South Brisbane, QLD, 4101, AUSTRALIA
tel: (07) 3844 3092
Postovani predsednice,
Pisem Vam u vezi problema cistoce klozeta u vreme odrzavanje rok-koncerta dana
Kao redovan posetioc vaseg imanja i zabava, navedeno dana bio sam duboko razocaran
stanjem klozeta, koji je do sada uvek bio perfektno osvetljen i cist.
Tog pomenutog dana, cini mi se da nista nije funkcionisalo kako treba. Deo neonskog
osvetljenje bilo je pregorelo, sapuna nije bilo dovoljno kao i samo stanje klozeta nije
bilo na zadovoljavajucem nivou. Otuda, vas klozet, koji je bio do sada uvek blistavo
osvetljen i cist, licio je na neki zapusteni Balkanski klozet, sto smatram da je
nedopustivo za visok renome koji ima vasa opstina.
Nadam se da cete ubuduce bolje kontrolisati sve objekte na vasem imanju, u vreme
odrzavanje koncerata gde se skuplja veliki broj mladih jer cistoca i organizovanost je ono
sto me najvise privlaci u vasu opstinu.
Srdacan pozdrav,
John Petrovic
Datum: 09/Dec/99 Mr John Petrovic,
17 King Rd,
Red Hill, 4000.
tel: (07) 82637463The President of the Management
Serbian Ortodox Church,
"Saint Nicolas",
243-247 Vulture Street,
South Brisbane, QLD, 4101, AUSTRALIA
tel: (07) 3844 3092
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to you with respect to toilet problem during rock concert, held on
As a regular visitor of your property and enertiments, I was disappointed with toilet
condition on the mentioned day, which always looked perfectly clean and bright before.
On the mentioned day, nothing was functioning properly. Part of of fluorescent light
was not working, the soap was lacking and the toilet condition was in an unsatisfied
condition. Hence your toilet, which was always perfectly clean and bright, looked as a
Balkan toilet which is unacceptable for your high reputation.
I hope you will better control all object in the future, especially in during rock
concerts time, where you can see a lot of young people, because the your organization and
clean is that what attracts me the most to your property.
Yours sincerely,
John Petrovic.